Landlord gas safety inspection
Landlords have specific legal responsibilities to their tenants when it comes to gas safety.
At Turners Heating & Plumbing we offer Landlords inspections and take the hassle out of the process.
if you give us your tennents details and when the inspection is due we will book it in and carry it out, Then send you a copy of the certificate .

Landlord & Gas Certificates (CP12)
We provide Landlord or Home Owner Gas Certificates to all areas of Elmbridge. All our certificates are inclusive of checking 3 extra appliances in your property too, if necessary.All rental properties are required by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations of 1998 (PDF) to hold a valid Gas Safety Record (CP12 form). A gas safety check is required by law annually and must be issued by a Gas Safe® Registered Engineer. All gas appliances in the property must be checked and the tenants are required to be handed the Gas Safety Record by law.
If you are a landlord, you are held responsible by the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations of 1998 to ensure all gas appliances, flues and fittings in the property are deemed safe and working correctly. Poor maintenance and safety checks can result in extremely dangerous Carbon Monoxide being leaked. For example, if your flue is operating incorrectly it will not be efficiently removing the resulting gases from combustion.As documented above, a Landlords Gas Safety check must be completed every 12 months. You must ensure maintenance and repairs of flues, pipework in the property and appliances. This only applies to appliances you supply to your tenant.As a landlord, you must issue a copy to your tenant within a time frame of 28 days from the certificate being completed by a Gas Safe® Register engineer.
During inspection we will check that appliances are:
Ensure appliances are functioning correctly and no carbon monoxide is being produced
Safety mechanisms are operating as expected
All ventilation paths are clear with no obstructions
Dangerous gasses are being removed safely
Among various other inspections.
Once the check has been successfully been completed, Safety certificate will detail the following:
The address of the property we inspected
Any defects which have been identified and the action which has been taken
The registration number, name and signature of the engineer who performs the inspection
The name of the Landlord and their address
A description of each appliance/flue that has been inspected
2021 © Turners Heating & Plumbing
Gas Safe Registered 505708